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About me


About me

Since 1988 I have been fascinated by the simplicity of Reiki and the opportunity to help myself.

After a long "school of life" in various places in India, Nepal, Sri Lanka and after training as a sound therapist and Reiki teacher in England, my vocation has become my profession.

I have been teaching Reiki in seminars and individual sessions since 1992. Inner child work, regression, sound massage, family constellations - astrological, shamanic and with musical instruments, soul work and astrology have intensified my work.

From this treasure I design the accompaniment of individual processes.

From 2011 to 2017 I organized trade fair congresses on holistic health and event evenings with Ruediger Dahlke in the greater Stuttgart area.

I am deeply touched by all these warm encounters.

Yours, Heidrun Kirsch

Since 1992 I have been supporting people and organizations through crises, in seminars and in coaching, systemically and with my good intuition.

At the same time, I build bridges between people and business, with many years of experience in pharmacies, Weleda and worldwide.

Managers and entrepreneurs come to realize their vision and vocation.

I continue to train people who have to do with people to accompany others. Those who want to achieve their goals safely learn through Reiki training how to lead groups sensitively and how to use the powerful gift of Reiki. I pass on Reiki primal knowledge to shape your own reality.

As a teaching therapist, astrological system constellator, Reiki teacher/trad. Usui, sound therapist, TZI experienced, and with the help of stones in connection with all beings, ancient and modern knowledge and heart opening, I am happy to pass on this knowledge full of joy.


The holistic healing power of the singing bowls

Many of you have heard the sound of a singing bowl or at least seen a singing bowl.

Can you imagine that singing bowls have an impact on well-being? Practice shows it! If a person has received a singing bowl massage, there is feedback such as "I feel like I'm in heaven" or "I've never been able to let go so well" or "I feel like I've been born again".

Singing bowls are becoming more and more important in the western world because they are said to have healing powers. Since the human body consists of 70% water, this water is made to vibrate by the singing bowls, similar to a stone that is thrown into the water. This creates waves that spread and clear obstacles out of the way.

The body is like a river. Just like the water in a river rounds the sharp stones over the years, the vibrations of the singing bowls smooth the waves in people and clear the way for an unhindered flow on the physical, mental and spiritual level.

Singing bowl massage – how it came about

The effect of sounds has been known for a long time.

Which instrument is played and which style of music one chooses has an effect on people.

When young people go to the disco, dynamic and rhythmic music encourages them to dance, classical and meditative music has a calming harmonizing effect, jagged marching music makes them combative and department store music has a suggestive effect on buying behavior.

Singing bowl vibrations activate the self-healing powers, wake up the mind, calm down or make you active - depending on which tones you choose - they loosen hardened structures in people, promote concentration - e.g. B. in kindergartens, where children are brought back from free play with a singing bowl to collect themselves.

In a singing bowl you can even energize water, which can be used for drinking and as irrigation water. Energetic room cleaning is also possible. Even animals react to singing bowls. The areas of application are so diverse.

Where is the origin of the healing sounds?

Nadabrahma - the world is sound - said the ancient Indians 5000 years ago and developed the Vedic art of healing. They celebrate music festivals with the aim of promoting the health of the people. The musicians play traditional instruments until the sounds correspond exactly to the sound of the universe. The musician has only passed his "test" when he captivates the people and they are in harmony with nature.

How did the singing bowl massage come about?

The musicologist Hans Cousto works with tuning forks on the meridians, the energy channels in humans, and has achieved a great effect - phonophoresis.

Peter Hess, the pioneer of singing bowl massage, made singing bowls available to the western world for healing purposes after years of experimentation and research. He found that the vibrations of the singing bowls, rich in overtones, last longer than with other instruments and thus unfold throughout the entire human being.

If several singing bowls are on the body, a concert is created in which one bowl resonates with another. There is a feeling of being enveloped by soothing sounds and of being completely cleansed. In order to carry out a skillful singing bowl massage, it takes a little practice and a feeling for sounds.

In which cultures did the bowls originate?

The singing bowls come from the East, from Japan, China, Thailand, India, Nepal and Tibet.

They are composed of different metals.

The bowls were used as offering bowls and eating utensils. The metal combines with the food. As a result, the body is supplied with additional important elements.

The bowls are made by hand or cast. When buying a singing bowl, you have to pay attention to the quality, since the composition of the metals and the number of metals are decisive for the effect.

Finally, a big thank you to our ancestors in ancient cultures for handing down such a wonderful treasure to us.

We can be happy that we can use it to come into harmony with everything that surrounds us and with ourselves.

Neumarkt, weekly newspaper

The demystification of reincarnation analysis

The experiences of my daily work show how deep reincarnation analyzes have a constructive effect on the lives of my clients. At the beginning the worry of not returning from the last life to the here and now dissolves. Basically, the client does not go back to another life or to childhood, but deals with images in the now that are stored in the subconscious over years and lives. These images are "flooded" through the reincarnation analysis from the subconscious to the surface when the client is willing to change, accept and release behavioral patterns and beliefs. To do this, I lead the client into a trance-like state of consciousness, where he can still decide for himself whether he/she wants to go with the process. I fully engage with what the client "sends" to me and seize the "ball" and lead through questions to the central topic. After that, the client subtly perceives changes and later I get the feedback that our work has a very lasting effect in everyday life.

Published in Lebenswege Magazin, April – June 2008 issue:

- Stuttgart & Region,

- Freiburg & Region,

- Karlsruhe/Mannheim/Heidelberg,

- Lake Constance/Allgäu/ Upper Swabia & region

Reiki, the eternal cycle of life

This is how the Reiki symbol is translated and describes a "little" story. Life energy, which flows from the cosmos into our crown chakra through the laying on of hands, returns to the cosmos. In this way, Reiki illuminates buried images and loosens physical, mental and spiritual "knots". A process that I have been practicing and teaching for 20 years. The special thing about it is that through initiations of the hands or feet one becomes the "umbilical cord" of the cosmic energy. After a seminar you will have the ability to pass on Reiki to yourself and to others. It's a gift from the universe! I accompany development and awareness processes that can result from this in seminars and training courses.

Published in Lebenswege Magazin, July – September 2008 issue:

- Stuttgart & Region,

- Freiburg & Region,

- Karlsruhe/Mannheim/Heidelberg,

- Lake Constance/Allgäu/Upper Swabia & region

Hold for the soul

How can we love others when we disregard our own soul?

What has hurt us so much that we have built up protection and escape mechanisms and are trapped in our own cage? How can we free ourselves from this? In my many years of experience in accompanying my clients' soul paths with the help of Reiki, regression, systemic constellation, breath, rituals and sounds, I observe the importance of "waiting" until the clients are ready to open the door to the soul in order to enter the to reach soul landscapes. Only then can the path be continued. Walking through the valley is challenging as clients come into contact with painful memories and perceptions. Experiencing this leads to an enormous liberation and lightness of soul. With a light backpack, it is easier and safer to climb the mountain of life and overcome the valley of the past. These soul processes heal the wounds of the past and give the soul stability.

Published in Lebenswege Magazin, October – December 2008 issue:

- Stuttgart & Region,

- Freiburg & Region,

- Karlsruhe/Mannheim/Heidelberg,

- Lake Constance/Allgäu/Upper Swabia & region

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What heals the soul! Working with the “inner child”

Who does not know it? Quarrels with your partner, in the family, at work?

Unsatisfied at the end, it is very difficult to steer the relationship back into constructive channels. However, it is possible if people are willing to explore their own behaviors.

What prevents people from doing things differently?

Change is uncomfortable, eg one could run the risk of being ignored by the family. Because you do not have the same values as other family members, a rejection of these values arises. As a result, it is easier to remain in the old swamp than to question these old values in order to find your own way.

But what is behind it?

In our childhood we learned to put on protective mechanisms so that we “survive” in our own way. Each child mastered it in its own way and responded to these impulses in its own way. In doing so, it has acquired certain behavioral patterns that accompany and protect it to this day.

What are the consequences of these childhood events?

No matter what happened, something always moved in us and left its mark. So we don't even need to think that we are the poor victims and everything is worse than others.

Everyone has something to nibble on. Even if we have had a sheltered upbringing, some sense of lack can arise in us. Perhaps we didn't even learn to master it ourselves because mum and dad took on the task that we could have done long ago ourselves.

Or we grew up as little machos and put ourselves above our parents. We never learned to take ourselves back. We know everything better and puff ourselves up. Maybe we'll cause a stir everywhere today.

We have stored the little child from back then in our “cell memory”, in our subconscious, and it will report even when we are grown up.

In situations at work, in a partnership, in a family, we discover what we like and don't like about ourselves.

At the beginning of the partnership we wear rose-colored glasses, butterflies in our stomachs. As soon as this time is over, we find qualities in our partner that we don't want because they evoke something in ourselves and at first unconsciously remind us of something from the past. We blame him for our childish pain and are quicker to "You did this wrong" than to look at us.

An example situation from everyday life shows what happens every day:

He clearly states that he does not want to be disturbed because his work requires the utmost concentration. She reacts offended with the words: "You don't like me! Always let me down I have to do everything alone..."

She eventually withdraws. Inwardly she has the thought what he does to me, I do to him. Maybe she's even making plans inside to get back at him. And sometimes on top of that she has a bad conscience that she thinks and feels like that. It is clear to her that it is his fault that she is feeling bad. Your own pain is projected onto your partner.

As a possible consequence, he doesn't talk to her anymore. And so the conflict is perfect!

What could have happened to her in the past?

If we look beneath the surface, she may have experienced rejection in childhood because she didn't conform. Or she worked very hard for the well-being of her parents because they had a fight with each other and she then wanted to mediate between the parents. In doing so she has denied herself, etc. There are many possible causes where the deep root of the pain can be found.

He experiences something else: perhaps a disregard for his limits or an experience of not being understood.

We then move in a constant vicious circle. There are enough everyday situations in our private lives and at work that wear us down.

At the same time, such reactions are deeply human and understandable because we have learned this over so many years.

Reactions from our partner, our friends, our colleagues reactivate our memory of events and behaviors that we have learned. In order not to feel our remaining and scarred wounds, we very often react to our counterpart with destructive thoughts and act accordingly.

The inner bastard prefers to stay the same so as not to jeopardize our relationships and not to be excluded from our system. However, unconscious and unresolved situations constantly affect and strain our relationships and one waits for the camel to overflow. In this case it is always the other person's fault.

What is the effect and benefit of dealing with the “inner child”?

Our counterpart is only the trigger for our distress. We have experienced these feelings before and are reminded of them in our daily lives.

Becoming aware of the "knitting pattern" that one's own experience follows is a first big step. After all, the “inner child” wants you to reach out to them, accept them, let them be, feel them with all their pain.

How can we escape from this vicious circle?

In childhood we learned that other people are to blame for our sorrows. Although this view brings a short-term numbing of the pain, it can break out again at any time. A brief external impulse is enough and the pain is back. The exit from the vicious circle succeeds when one realizes that the current trigger goes back to painful experiences in one's own childhood. The current pain is merely a memory of previous and perhaps deeply buried painful experiences.

When we step out of this old pattern and discover our own roots, we take responsibility for our own lives.

First of all, you need a decision and the willingness to get out of the familiar and to get involved with something new. It's not just enough to analyze, but it's important to feel these injuries first hand again and to feel this feeling of being abandoned, deprived of love, being rejected, of anger, of fear, which we repressed at the time as a protective mechanism.

A process facilitator is extremely important because he empathically sets the course so that the negative feelings can be transformed into joy, curiosity, satisfaction and happiness. Once we are aware of what we repressed at the time, it frees us from our "vapor bell" and gives us more peace in our relationships.

It is very simple and yet the fear of the unknown prevents the client from getting involved. But the worst is already over - it was then.

How did the work with the “inner child” come about?

The inner child became known through books by John Bradshaw and Erika Chopich/ Margaret Paul. Various models of “inner child work” have developed since the 1990s.

The "inner child" is a way of looking at inner worlds of experience. It stores all feelings and sensations and the "inner adult" stores everything rational.

It's about letting the child in us live again in order to create the balance between head and stomach, the "inner child" and the "inner adult". In this way we receive a more loving relationship with ourselves and consequently also with others.

People who have gone through such processes show more joie de vivre and courage in their daily situations. Even if we're used to falling back into our old patterns, we can pull ourselves out of it quicker and smile about it.

It's not about wanting these feelings away, it's about accepting them. If we can laugh about it in such situations, then we have achieved our goal.

A heartfelt thank you to our parents, who give us the opportunity to grow and face life on our own responsibility.

Appeared in the weekly newspaper, Neumarkt

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Systemic Astrology - Systemic constellations on the horoscope wheel

In addition to accompanying my clients in regression processes and conducting intensive training courses to become a regression therapist, there is one work that is particularly close to my heart and I am very enthusiastic about: systemic constellations on the horoscope wheel are now part of my daily therapeutic work and broaden my view beyond the systemic perspective. While "pot hitting" is more popular in family constellations, the horoscope shows me in advance entanglements and areas of tension in the family system, secrets and missing members. In this way, focal points for processing the family history are recognized and a solution is found. Clients as proxies on these planetary positions show qualities of those planets, and as the planets represent certain family members, they show their characteristics and destinies. The astrological "houses" provide additional information about the family history and refine the meaningfulness for events in the system. Transits show which entanglement "screams" for solution. This know-how clears the way for a powerful line-up. The client's concerns can be processed in a more targeted manner. I see advantages of using the horoscope wheel in the fact that the client not only hears what the astrologer has to report from the horoscope, but that he/she feels changes in his/her own body in order to internalize the process up to the point of resolution.

Published in Lebenswege Magazin, January – March 2008 issue:

- Stuttgart & Region,

- Freiburg & Region,

- Karlsruhe/Mannheim/Heidelberg,

- Lake Constance/Allgäu/Upper Swabia & RegionNew text

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