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Don't let your life rush past you. Take it into your own hands

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Strengthen Reiki self-healing powers and promote personal and spiritual growth.

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systemische Aufstellungen systemische Astrologie Symptome Krankheiten Süchte Ordnen Familie Beziehungen Partnerschaft Beruf Berufung  Mutter Vater Geschwister Tante Onkel Partner Ehe

Systemic constellations

Create natural order in a system and find a good place.

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Astrologie Lebensfragen Beziehungen Familie Partnerschaft Trennung Scheidung Beruf Berufung Ehe Liebe


Finding answers to life questions: relationships, family, partnership, job, etc.

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Klangmassage Planetenklangschalen Klangschalen Schwingung Körper Seele Geist Entspannung Eintauchen Klänge

Sound massage

Sound vibrations reach all areas of body, soul and spirit and lead to deep relaxation.

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Rückführung Inneres Kind Befreiung Glaubenssätze Verhaltensweisen  karmisch Karma Reinkarnation

Inner child regression

Emotional release from old beliefs and behaviors and reduces fears.

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Meditation Bewusstsein Stille Gehmeditation Tanzmeditation im Geist sammeln ruhig werden beobachten Kontemplation Achtsamkeit


Observing without judging calms the mind and gives serenity in everyday life.

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Online Sessions Link Zoom Ferne


A hand massage improves blood circulation, relieves tension, improves wrist flexibility and relieves stress. In addition, a hand massage can also make the wrists and fingers more supple and improve mobility.

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Online Sessions Link Zoom Ferne

Online Sessions

Astrological consultations, systemic constellations, sound meditations. Book an appointment. Get in touch with me.
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Fernreiki global Welt balancieren harmonisieren Immunsystem Selbstheilungskräfte anregen


Despite Corona or thanks to Corona, you have the opportunity to receive Reiki remotely. It has a strengthening effect on the immune system and activates self-healing powers.
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Geschenkgutscheine Reiki Klangmassage Rückführung systemische Aufstellungen Geschenk Astrologie Rückführung  inneres Kind Meditation Shop

gift vouchers

With these beautiful gift vouchers you can give your friends the choice. Or you can browse my shop for a suitable gift.
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Your contact Heidrun Kirsch

You can reach me at

09179 973 25 66

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