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Sound massage

Sound massage

Nadhabrahma - the world is sound -

That's what the ancient Indians said 5000 years ago.

For 1000 years the Indians have been using musical instruments to heal the people with sounds.

With their wealth of overtones, singing bowls reach all levels of the human being - body, soul, spirit.


Music expresses that which cannot be said and about which it is impossible to be silent.

victor hugo

Klangschale Nadhabrahma Die Welt ist Klang Schwingungen Wasser Tibetische Klangschalen Klangmeditation Konzert Gehör Obertöne Entspannung Klöppel

Sound massage individual appointments

Here you will experience soothing sounds and vibrations. Tibetan singing bowls with different tones are placed on your body and set in motion.

Klangschale Nadhabrahma Die Welt ist Klang Schwingungen Wasser Tibetische Klangschalen Klangmeditation Konzert Gehör Obertöne Entspannung Klöppel

Individual appointment: 70 minutes

Investment: € 95.- 

Reiki singing bowl combination: 100 min.

Investment: € 130.-

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Like a stone thrown into the water circling, the vibrations of the singing bowls also flood your body with waves of well-being.

Sound massage training

In this seminar you will learn how to use singing bowls and refine your hearing for sounds. At the end of the seminar you will be able to perform a "concert".

Possible without prior knowledge!

Klangschale Nadhabrahma Die Welt ist Klang Schwingungen Wasser Tibetische Klangschalen Klangmeditation Konzert Gehör Obertöne Entspannung Klöppel


06 - 07 May 2023 from 10:00 a.m. - 6:00 p.m

21.- 22. Oct 2023

Investment: € 230.- for 2 days

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Further information on the sound massage training

Contents: history of the singing bowls, rituals, use of the singing bowls, meditation, effects of the singing bowls, therapeutic use, using the right mallet, preparation for use and much more. , certificate and documents.



Consulting and Sales

You can purchase your individual singing bowl set from me. I would be happy to advise you.

Klang Workshops

Time out from everyday life!

Welcome to the Klangheilraum!

Sound meditation and slowly approaching the handling of the singing bowls.

Klangschale Nadhabrahma Die Welt ist Klang Schwingungen Wasser Tibetische Klangschalen Klangmeditation Konzert Gehör Obertöne Entspannung Klöppel

Workshop: Dates on request from 19:00 - 22:00

Investment: € 45.-

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More information about the sound workshop

I'll take you on a fascinating journey into the complex world of sound of Tibetan singing bowls. You have the opportunity to experience the healing effects on your own body and experience deep relaxation and regeneration. Experience how body, soul and spirit swing together in harmony again.


Sound appointments also take place in kindergartens and retirement homes.

Talk to me! I would be happy to make you an individual offer.

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