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In the course of life, people have many experiences that trigger certain feelings, thought patterns and behavioral patterns.

The feedback helps to recognize negative thought patterns, behavior patterns, emotions, to solve them and to convert them into positive behavior.

A stone falls from the heart.

Inneres Kind Rückführung Karma Leben Tod Verhaltensmuster Glaubenssätze Leichtigkeit Spiel Kreativität Spontanität Würdigung

It's never too late to have a happy childhood.

Milton Erickson

inner child

The inner child that lives in every adult is usually full of creativity, spontaneity and instinctive design. Due to injuries in childhood on a mental, mental and physical level, we lost these abilities.

The inner child wants to be noticed and appreciated again.

Repatriation of individual appointments

We work together on concrete events that affect your life. Physical and mental pain as a result of these serious influences prevent a harmonious way of life. By gradually accepting and releasing these influences, you will find a pleasant attitude towards life again.

Inneres Kind Rückführung Karma Leben Tod Verhaltensmuster Glaubenssätze Leichtigkeit Spiel Kreativität Spontanität Würdigung Rückführungsanalyse Reinkarnation

Individual appointment: 2.5 hours

Investment: € 195.-

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Inner Child Regression Workshop "The Source of Happiness"


Let's find out together and experience what it means for you to be happy.

Inneres Kind Rückführung Karma Leben Tod Verhaltensmuster Glaubenssätze Leichtigkeit Spiel Kreativität Spontanität Würdigung

Workshop: Dates on request from 19:00 - 22:00

Investment: € 45.-

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More information about the workshop

You carry this happiness within you and maybe certain life circumstances pushed it into the corner. You can feel happiness again whenever you want.

With the joy and lightness of a child you will succeed in everything in your life. You can master whatever is important to you.

With a smile on your face, your inner spaces expand for wonderful feelings of happiness.

Inner Child Individual AppointmentsI support and accompany you to allow grief, joy, pain, fear, anger to feel love and healing within yourself.

Inneres Kind Rückführung Karma Leben Tod Verhaltensmuster Glaubenssätze Leichtigkeit Spiel Kreativität Spontanität Würdigung

Individual appointment: 2 hours

Investment: € 150.-

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Further information Inner child work

Engaging with the inner child on a deep level gives us the chance to heal soul wounds.

It feels so good when old burdens fall off. You will experience more peace and joie de vivre in yourself and with others.

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